Instead of reading, listen:
Visit Voki to create your own avatar today. Here are a few of the things you can do with your Voki.
You may upload your Voki to Twitter, Facebook or any blog or wiki. Lastly, you may create multi Voki's to fit your educational needs. I use Voki for my lesson plan website to explain how to utilize the lessons when classes visit the media center.
Voki is a fun tool for students and teachers to use. Create your Voki today!
I have heard of this tool before but I have never used it. I think it is a great way to teach students about a concept or use it as a guide when giving instructions on an assignment. I could also use it with shy students when giving a presentation because some of them don't want to appear on camera and this is a great way for them to choose an avatar and record their own voice to give their presentations. Thanks for explaining such a helpful tool!