Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How the heck did you do that?

I believe in learning by doing especially when it comes to performing computer tasks. One of the most beneficial tutorials online are those that offer recordings of users navigating websites, using features in MS Office, etc.  As both a Mac and PC user I found this issue frustrating when my Mac and the Screenflow program are not around.  I am not interesting in spending more money on Camtasia to have this feature on my PC so what is a girl to do?  A girl is to sign up for Jing right away.
I must let you know that Jing and Camtasia are from the same tech gurus.  The major difference is the ability to make polished videos with Camtasia while Jing is very basic.  The upside is that you will get your point across easily.  Here are a few ways to use Jing according to their website:
  • CollaborateCollaborate on a design project
  • CollaborateShare a snapshot of a document
  • NarrateNarrate your vacation photos
  • BugsCapture that pesky bug in action
  • Show HowShow Dad how to use iTunes
  • CommentsComment on students' homework
  • Post TidbitsPost tidbits on Twitter or Facebook
Additionally you can share your video instantly via e-mail, IM, Twitter, blogs, etc.With the addition of Lync on school campuses this is especially good news.  Here is a sample of a web snapshot to start the wheels turning in your noggin.
A picture truly paints a thousand words.  Why not lessen the confusion when adding technology to lesson and use Jing.  Your students will thank you.
READER RESPONSE:  How will you use Jing?

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